*Introduction - Home Page*
*School Buildings*
*School Principals*
* Sr. Class Sponsors*
*Sr. Class Presidents*
*Graduation Pictures*
*School Song*
*AHS Reunion Committee News*
*Band 2*
*Choir *
*1918- Class*
*Class of 1926*
*Class of 1931*
*Class of 1937*
*Class of 1939*
*Class of 1940*
*Class of 1942*
*Class of 1943*
*Class of 1944*
*Class of 1945*
*Class of 1947*
*Class of 1948*
*Class of 1949*
*Class of 1950*
*Class of 1951*
*Class of 1952*
*Class of 1953*
*Class of 1954*
*Class of 1955*
*Class of 1956*
*Class of 1957*
*Class of 1958*
*Class of 1959*
*Class of 1960*
*Class of 1961*
*Class of 1962*
*Class of 1963*
*Class of 1964*
*Class of 1965*
*Class of 1966*
*Class of 1967*
*Class of 1968*
*Class of 1969*
*Class of 1969(2)*
*Class of 1970(1)*
*Class of 1970(2)*
*Class of 1971(1)*
*Class of 1971(2)*
*Class of 1971(3)*
*Class of 1972*
*Class of 1973*
*Class of 1974*
*Class of 1975*
*Mullins Years*
*Former Teachers*
*Queens/Debs 2/Gamma Beta Zeta*
*Faculty 1968 - 1969*
*Class Faves 1969*
*Faculty 1970*
*School Desegregation*
*Class Faves 1970*
*Curriculum Faves*
*Organizations 2*
*Honor Banquet 1970*
*"Big 8" Sports-1*
*"Big 8" Sports-2*
*School Daze*
*Dance Troupe/Campus Beauties*
*H'coming '69*
*Panther Twins*
*WetstoneTobacco Farm & Letters**
*Student Publications*
*Panther Papers*
*Panthers Growl Papers*
*Alexander Files Pt. I*
*Alexander Files Pt. II*
*Alexander Files Pt. III*
*Alexander Files Pt. IV*
*Current Events*
*Old School Music *
*Educable Children Records 1949*
*1969 Yearbook Slides*
*1955 Little League*
Teacher Enrollment 1961-1962
*Contact Page; Disclosure; Copyright Info*
*Accreditation Certificates*
Biographies of the Legends Of Alexander High School.
There were many legends to grace the halls at Alexander High and many legends that helped shape the lives of hundreds of students. Most legends live forever to shake the memory of those that are still influenced by them. Alexander produced legends that are as giant as any legend anywhere. We salute The Legends of Alexander High School.
Though many heroic folk left Alexander and went on to excell in other fields and professions. It was the ones who stayed and made Alexander the great Legend it is today. Some stayed there for their entire professional career; still others may have been there a short while but made an astounding impact upon the lives of many.
A lot of times its the unsong hero who makes a ton of difference behind the scene. Their dreams come to fruition when someone can call their name with honor and dignity. Legends never fade away. There will be Legends of Alexander High School that will endure forever.